i2pdf (image to pdf) est un petit programme
portable qui permet de convertir les images (aux formats JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF) en fichier PDF par un simple glisser-déposer sur l'interface du logiciel puis un clic sur le bouton "Build PDF".
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10 Commentaires
Merci pour votre superbe blog,
"the file available on my site does not contain viruses or other malware.
After he reach the final user's computer, obviously I cannot know. It can become infected
because the computer is already infected, for example.
Anyway all my programs are designed to quit working if a virus modify them, so this can be
a good thing to keep in mind.
About why my programs are targeted by some antivirus, and probably they always will:
the executables are packed with PeCompact, as stated in the help file.
Please take the time to read my multiple posts on this thread:
You should find all the info you need.
I'll probably add a page on my site in the future, devoted to this topic.
Image to PDF Converter Free : convertir des images en PDF
JPEG to PDF : transformez des images en fichiers PDF